Getting around Oban

There is no question that Oban is a stunning location. Often referred to as the “Gateway to the Isles”, it’s someone that should be on every tourist's bucket list. However, Oban is quite remote and naturally, visitors will question how to get around. We’ve broken down some of your options.

Scenic Flight

If you’d like to witness Oban in all its glory then what better way than from the skies. Scenic flights run from Oban Airport at 11:00 on Wednesday and Thursday and at 15:00 on a Friday and Sunday. The flight itinerary includes Dunstaffnage Castle, Oban Town, Bridge over the Atlantic and Loch Spelve. The flight costs £80 per person. 

You can view more information here.

Buses & Taxis

Buses are operated by West Coast Motors, providing a wide variety of routes in and around the Oban area. If you’re looking to get back to Glasgow, CityLink offers a route from Oban.

There are a number of taxi services operating in the Oban area, including Lorn Taxi, A2B and Tower Taxi. There are taxi ranks in front of the railway station and Station Square. Uber is not currently operating in Oban. 

Car Hire

Despite Oban’s relatively small size, there are a number of fantastic options when looking to hire a vehicle to get around in. Flit and Hazelbank Motors both offer a range of local rentals. 

There are many beautiful routes from Oban, such as this picturesque journey to Glencoe. If you decide to drive directly from Glasgow to Oban then you’re in for a treat, with blogger Travels with a Kilt describing the journey as ‘one of the best in Scotland’. 

Cycling & Walking

If you’re able to then we’d recommend exploring Oban on foot. There are plenty of shops and restaurants tucked away that you may miss through from A to B directly in a vehicle. For walks in the surrounding area, West Coast cottages have put together 5 of their favourite routes

You can discover more about cycling in the area via’s Cycling page. 

Closing thought 

There are plenty of ways to get out and about and explore Oban. We hope this guide has been helpful for you! 

Running out of time but want to see more? Check out our scenic flights here.

Getting around the Inner Hebrides

The western Scottish highlands is one of the most beautiful areas in all of Europe, yet comprises many small and remote islands, meaning transport around the Inner Hebrides is a challenge. Our Hebridean Air Services team provide scheduled inter-island flights between Oban, Coll, Colonsay, Islay, and Tiree, which are bookable here. Furthermore, charter flights are also available to book by contacting 0845 805 7465 or


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