Things to do in Oban

Oban is a beautiful part of the World. However, many visitors are only able to spend a limited amount of time exploring the sights.

We’ve shared four highlights to ensure you make the most of your Oban experience. 

Scenic Flight

You’ve got limited time to experience the sights of Oban. How do you see as much as you can in the shortest window possible? What better way to capture the beauty of Oban that through a 30-minute scenic flight. Our flight itinerary includes views of Dunstaffnage Castle, Oban Town, Bridge over the Atlantic and Loch Spelve. The scenic flights operate at 11:00am on a Wednesday and Thursday and at 15:00pm on a Friday and Sunday, with bookings for up to 7 passengers are accepted. The flight duration is 30 minutes. 

To book or find more information, click here.

Food & Drink

Known as the ‘seafood capital of Scotland’, Oban has a reputation for being a great place to eat. From high-end memorable experiences to fish & chips on the beach, there is something for everyone. Head to’s Eat & Drink area to check out what’s available. As well as offering a wide array of places to eat, Oban Distillery run guided tours and tasting to dive into the heart and soul of Scotch. There are also a number of local drinks specialists including Oban Whisky and Fine Wines, the Whisky Shop and Oban Beer Seller; ensuring you’ll be heading home with the perfect bottle in your suitcase. 

Outdoor Adventures

If you live get outside and throw yourself into nature and adventure sports then Oban won’t let you down. There is brilliant kayaking in the area, with Seafreedom Kayak providing some instruction, coaching and guiding in the area. You may encounter seals, dolphins and even basking sharks on excursions.  Similarly, if you’re a keen cyclist or hiker, there are beautiful routes and you can pick up a bike on the stunning slate Island of Luing through Sunnybrae Caravan Park

If you’re a diver, there are beautiful spots in the Sound of Mull and off the Galvellachs. In the former, you can explore the wrecks of the Rondo and the Hispania. There is also great diving off the cliffs of Lochaline and Calve Island. For more information on great diving in the area, please visit the PADI Diving Oban page. 


Oban proudly boasts some brilliant museums. The Oban War & Peace Museum is perfect for those with an interest in exploring the history of Oban and the surrounding area. The museum’s origins lie in an exhibition, 'Oban at War', mounted in 1995 by an enthusiastic team from the local community to mark the 50th anniversary of the ending of World War II. The exhibition was so popular with visitors and the local community that it became a permanent fixture and was renamed 'Oban War & Peace Museum' in 1996.

Dunollie Museum, Castle & Grounds is another fantastic location to visit for those looking to dive into the history and culture of Oban. The picturesque castle ruins and grounds attract visitors from all over the World, looking out to the island Kerrera and a view of the town and harbour. Although do be mindful that the site is fully open between April - October. Maintained through the Dunollie Preservation Trust (DPT), any money raised through ticket, shop and café sales is invested directly back into the site. 

The Ocean Explorer Centre at SAMS (Scottish Association for Marine Science) provides a fascinating insight into the marine World surrounding Oban. They describe their role as ‘researching how the marine environment works, how and why it is changing and how we could use and treat it better. Then (they) educate, communicate and promote what (they) find for the public good. Check out the visiting SAMS page if you’d like to arrange a visit. 

Getting around Oban and the Inner Hebrides

The western Scottish highlands is one of the most beautiful areas in all of Europe, yet comprises many small and remote islands, meaning transport around the Inner Hebrides is a challenge. Our Hebridean Air Services team provide scheduled inter-island flights between Oban, Coll, Colonsay, Islay, and Tiree, which are bookable here. Furthermore, charter flights are also available to book by contacting 0845 805 7465 or


Oban History